Thought of the day jokes are just one line jokes which are full of irony and poke fun with ridiculous thoughts and assumptions.
Are people who jump off bridges in Paris in seine?
Do backward poets write inverse?
Does reading when sunbathing make you well read?
Is the definition of a will a dead giveaway?
Is acupuncture a jab well done?
Seals are real party animals – they are just not fond of clubbing.
Always be pleasant to your kids as it be be they who choose your retirement home.
If 4 out of 5 people suffer from headaches, does that mean that the other person actually enjoys them?
If you ever think that nobody cares if you live or not, try missing a couple of mortgage payments.
Why are banks one of the few places that will lend money to you but only after you've proved to them that you do not need it?
Thought for the Day - Remember it is not necessary to have a parachute if you wish
to skydive; unless you are going to do it twice.
Thought for the Day - If you ever get the urge to fight fire with fire; just remember – the Fire Service generally uses water.
Final thought of the day - Nostalgia really isn’t anything like it once was.
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