Chuck Norris Jokes and Facts is a collection of the latest amusing, hilarious and extremely funny facts about the one and only super hero Chuck Norris who once roundhouse kicked the Tsunami.
Chuck Norris Awards goes to Oscar.
Twitter follows Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris does not tweet; he roars.
Once Chuck Norris was given a tickets for over speeding at 100 miles per hour... when walking.
Others can forward SMS text messages; Chuck Norris can rewind them.
When Chuck Norris dies, his tombstone won't say RIP. It will say BRB!
Alfred Nobel got nominated for the Chuck Norris Prize.
Chuck Norris knows Who Wants to be a millionaire.
Chuck Norris can make a phone call with his iPod.
Chuck Norris was playing baseball and he hit a home-run. The ball is now called as Pluto.
Facebook sent friend request to Chuck Norris.
Google gives zero results for "when will chuck norris lose"
Once Chuck Norris touched an electric pole during rain and electricity got a shock.
When Chuck-Norris goes to immigration checkup, the officers show him their passports.
Solar Eclipses occurs because Chuck Norris was sleeping during the day.
Chuck Norris taught a kid to play Counter Strike... that kid is now known as Osama Bin Laden.
Once Superman, He-man and Bat-man paid a visit to Chuck Norris... that day was Teacher's Day.
Audrey Hepburn said that Nothing is Impossible.
Chuck Norris proved that Impossible in Nothing.
Chuck Norris went to the SuperBowl stadium and the stadium watched Chuck Norris.
Once Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked the ocean and it caused the Tsunami.
Even Chuck Norris is only 90% accurate. He once fought with 100 lions and only 90 of them died because of his roundhouse kick... the remaining ten died of fear.
Chuck Norris can make Popeye hate spinach.
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